Hub Central

Hub Central is your single destination for all the resources you need to organise, plan, support and manage your hub. 

See more about what you can access in Hub Central below:

Hub Toolbox contains everything you need to know about setting up and running a hub.

There are sections for hub leaders, support agencies and school leadership, all now easily accessed via Hub Central.

Hub Insights is an online, interactive dashboard summarising your hub’s activity. For more information, please go to

Forms for all your hub funding applications, including submitting your acquittals.

Accessing Hub Central

Click below for guides on accessing Hub Central.


For assistance, contact Nathan in our team at

Already signed in for the first time and ready to go?

Frequently Asked Questions

If your workplace does not use Microsoft Office 365 accounts, CHA is here to help. For support, please contact Maurice in our team, 

To access Hub Central, you will need to enter your authentication code every 30 – 90 days if you are using the one device. From time to time, Microsoft may prompt you to enter it in more frequently. 

Make sure you are using Google Chrome. To access Chrome, go to ‘Start’ in the bottom left corner of your computer screen and find the application.

Alternatively, search for ‘Google Chrome’ using the search function in your toolbar and then open it by double clicking on it. Then type in the URL and press ‘enter’. 

Use the zoom in and out feature using Chrome.  If you’re not sure how to do this, check out this short tutorial:  


Next time you go to Hub Central, bookmark the site.  If you’re not sure how to do this, take a look at this short tutorial: 

There are a few things that you can do.

Step 1 – Restart your computer. 

Step 2 – Make sure you are using Google Chrome. Go to ‘Start’ in the bottom left corner of your computer screen and find the application. Alternatively, search for ‘Google Chrome’ using the search function in your toolbar. 

Step 3 – This site supports the two latest versions of all major browsers and you may not have the most up-to-date version. For help to resolve browser issues, please contact your school or support agency IT support. 

You may not have the latest version of macOS 11.5. To update your operating system to the latest version, please follow the steps here